


What is Dictionary Just like a traditional dictionary has words and their meanings. A dictionary is a data structure that contains data in the form of pairs of keys and values. A key and value pair form an item in the dictionary. A key is usually a string. A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key is unique and associated with a value, similar to a real-world dictionary where words (keys) are associated…

Grouping tasks together in Python refers to the practice of organizing related code into functions or modules to improve code clarity, reusability, and maintainability. Functions are a way to group together a block of code that performs a specific task and can be called from other parts of the code when that task needs to be performed. This can simplify the code, make it more modular and reduce redundancy. For example, instead of copying and…

Understanding variables and Assigning values What are variables? On a bookshelf, we can see sections that are precisely labeled. So, if we want to place a mathematics book, we will keep it in the section labeled Mathematics, right? so a bookshelf can be used to store the books we want . Similarly, in programming, variables act as containers to store values. These values can be anything, from numbers to text or entire functions. And just…

Programming Wondering what in the world is programming? Imagine you are playing with your dog, and you instruct him to bring the ball that you just threw. The dog will surely run towards the ball and fetch it for you. You might be thinking what this example has to do with programming? So, let me tell you what you did was just instructed the dog to accomplish a task. That is you just “Programmed” your…